What? Moo is an unaccompanied (acapella) choir consisting of men (Tenors and basses), and women (sopranos, altos, and tenors). This is known as SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass)
Where? Warrimoo Public School, Florabella St, Warrimoo
When? 7.00 - 9.00pm on Monday evenings during school terms.
Do I need to audition? Auditions are not required, although the ability to match pitch with others is important. Most people can do this, or can learn to do it with practice.
Do I need to read music? Being able to read music is helpful, but not necessary. Sheet music is usually provided, but the songs are taught through listening and repeating sections. The music is a useful map and memory prompt, and most people develop the ability to follow it loosely, but not reading is no bar to singing. However, if you are an experienced singer and/or music reader, you will be very popular with those nearby.
I’ve never sung in harmony before - is that OK? If you’ve ever sung a round, then you have sung in harmony. The ability to hold a tune whilst others are holding a different line is a learned skill and part of the fun of choir singing.
How much does it cost? At present, it works out to be $15 a week if the amount is paid upfront at the beginning of a term. Other arrangements may be possible - for paying a higher casual rate or if you are experiencing financial hardship.
Is there support outside of the sessions? Yes.There are recordings for each voice part within the members’ area of this website.
Do you perform publicly? We like to perform once or twice a year as having a performance to work towards can be stimulating, but the main objective is to create music in the company of others and have fun whilst doing so.
What happens in a rehearsal? We start promptly at 7.00pm with warm-ups and a few exercises designed to help improve our singing. We often sing rounds as part of the warm-up. We then start learning a new song, or work on one that we are still in the process of learning. There is always a tea break and chance to chat and socialise. We then reconvene and continue with what we were singing, look at something that is further along the learning process, or just sing things that we know.
How do I set about joining? Contact us via email or phone to have a chat, and then come along to a rehearsal to check it out.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask by emailing info@moochoir.com.au