Moo Choir was started by Tom Bridges in 2008 who was looking to start a choir in the Mountains. Joe Banffy - the Warrimoo Public School principal - suggested that a community choir in the lower mountains would fill a gap. Joe provided the location, Tom the expertise, and Moo Choir was born. It continues to meet in the heart of the Warrimoo community at the Public School to this day.

Tom Bridges
2008 was an auspicious year for community singing as the Blackheath Choir Festival had been born in the previous year. Moo Choir performed in 2008, and also hosted the first Big Sing Workshop - a collaboration of local choirs who came together for a day to teach and learn songs from one another. Collaboration with others is still a hallmark of Moo Choir activities.
In 2010, having firmly established Moo Choir, Tom handed leadership over to Kate Swadling and Katie McRobert - both well known musicians in the Mountains. Together they co-Directed for a couple of years until Katie stepped down and Suzanne Langford stepped up.

Kate Swadling
In 2012 Suzanne took over from Kate Swadling as sole Director and has been leading ever since.
In the past 10 years Moo has: been a regular performer at the Blackheath Festival; held fundraising concerts for local charities; hosted the African Children's Choir; performed at community events such as Wintermagic; joined forces with Rachel Hore's Canberra choirs and sung at the Australian High Court building; and organised a couple of choir workshops in the Mountains.
During COVID, the core of the choir held together by meeting regularly on Zoom.

A little Zoom fun!
Since our return to in-person singing at the end of 2021, the Choir has grown in membership, strength and confidence. The future is harmonious!